Living Through Uncertainty

I hope you are all doing well and staying safe and healthy through these times. None of us could have expected or prepared for the year that we are currently having, and there’s certainly many ways to be thinking, feeling, grieving, and processing all of this. It’s a lot. I wanted to dedicate this post to helping share some guidance and tips on how to stay balanced, healthy and cope through these times, and also share some of my own thoughts and experiences.

With the closure of almost entire cities, businesses, parks, and the mandates to practice social distancing and not leaving the home unless necessary or essential, it’s no wonder if many of us are finding ourselves not only in states of anxiety, fear, panic, depression, grief, or even anger, as our daily lives has become not only disrupted, but at a complete standstill, for over a month now. Millions have lost jobs, lost their livelihoods and ways to provide for themselves or their families. Small and local businesses that are the faces of our communities face the very real possibility of never opening back up again. And we have a virus which attacks everyone, old and young alike, but is much more deadly for those who live with pre-existing conditions, deteriorating health or limited access to healthcare. There is no doubt that what we are all collectively experiencing is a massive loss and death of the lives we knew, and at the same time there’s an undeniable reality check we are facing; that we also can’t keep going on the ways that we have been and pretending that it is sustainable, healthy, or without victims.

What do we do? Where do we start? And how do we move forward from here? These are big and serious questions, and ones which many will feel overwhelmed in even thinking about or considering, and so we look to those in power and in positions of authority, or the experts to answer these questions, to relieve us of our fears and uncertainty, surely anything it takes to go back to living our lives right?

Watching the events play out in our daily lives, on the news, the press conferences, or social media, I think it makes sense that there is just so much contradicting information, polarizing opinions, and extreme responses coming from so many directions. I think it’s all completely valid, and while I am no different in having my opinions and beliefs or reactions to life currently, I feel that it’s here within this gaping space of uncertainty and unknown that we can find so many answers and solutions to problems which are far bigger, more dangerous, and yes, more deadly than this virus. In my opinion, this virus has shown us where are biggest weaknesses are, and it’s also shown us how disproportionate the system is in regards to the health, wellness, and livelihoods of millions everywhere.

The Vegas Strip two weeks into the shutdown

I can’t help but ask myself questions such as; what if health and nutrition was promoted rather than fast food, or cheap food loaded with sugars, preservatives and chemicals? What if real food with nutritional value was not only promoted and taught, but also made accessible for us all? Further, what if instead of medications and pills as the go-to answer from doctors for any illness, disease, or imbalance in the body, we instead taught holistic ways of understanding our bodies, minds, and nervous system? If we healed ourselves through food, exercise, and connecting back to nature and ourselves? What if we stopped relying on what all these corporations and even the government are pushing onto us, be it through food, drugs, or even entertainment. Not only do I ask these questions, but I think it’s also important to ask, who gains from the way things are? Who gains in a world run this way? Who profits? Because, if we are being honest, it is almost always about money, power and control for those at the top.

Small and local businesses everywhere have been forced to shut down, while large corporations like Amazon and Walmart have actually gained billions from this. I’m not trying to make this political either, I just want to point out that there is great imbalance and so far nothing has been done for the people most harshly effected from this virus and shutdown. While corporations and billionaires continue to have money pumped into them and they find and create more ways to profit off the suffering, oppression, and illness of others.

Again, like I said, I feel that this virus has done more than simply attacking us, it’s attacking a dying and fragile system which has never had the best interests of humanity in mind and is on it’s final leg. It’s just up to us on what we choose to do next. Do we really want to go back to the life we had? To a world where this can happen? I know there’s a better way, but it takes us all to get there, and it takes fighting against these oppressive systems and undoing so much.

Ok, aside from all of this, what do we do right now? How do we stay healthy and balanced through this? How do we take care of ourselves? I’m going to share a list of things which have helped me not only during this time but throughout my life, and also which can be done right from home;

  • Meditating/ Breathwork- great for mental health, immune system, stress, grounding
  • Exercise- building our strength, immune system and releasing neurotransmitters
  • Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong- helps so much with moving energy and releasing stagnant energy
  • Eating healthy, cooking
  • Staying on some type of routine, helps to keep our body regulated
  • Get creative; make music, write, dance, sing, cook, bake, paint, learn a new skill, possibilities are endless!
  • Journaling- great for mental health, emotions, managing anxiety or depression, becoming more present and releasing.
  • Read a book or blog, learn something new!
  • Spring cleaning; throw out stuff you don’t need, use, or is just taking up space. Donate, sell. Clean up your space and re-arrange to have fresh and new energy in your home or space.
  • Call loved ones, connect with those that maybe you haven’t in awhile
  • Go for walks, sit outside, go to a park. This obviously may depend on where you live, I know some places are more restricted than others, but no matter what, try to get outside and get some sun and air at least once a day!
  • Stay informed; now is a great time to learn and research so many things. Instead of sitting in front of a tv all day or going out and being distracted, take this time to really look into things you don’t know about or maybe have always wondered or questioned.
  • Above all, take care of yourself and know that whatever way you may be feeling and responding; it’s valid, and it’s always best to feel it so that you can heal it.

I’ve been getting creative with coming up with new recipes. Here is dinner the other night. Completely plant based.

For those of us considered essential and still working, this can be either a silver lining or perhaps cause for concern and worry of becoming sick while having to just do your job. I am currently still working, although it is much more minimal than those who are working in medical fields, hospitals, or grocery stores. For me, being able to work during this time has actually helped a lot. Being able to get out of the house, interacting with others, and knowing I still have a paycheck coming in, is definitely not taken for granted at this time.

Whether you are still working and being possibly exposed to the virus, or you have health issues, conditions, or even want to just boost your immune system, here are some supplements, foods, or ways you can increase your immunity;

  • Elderberry
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D, especially getting outside and sunlight
  • Zinc
  • Ginger, I like to make smoothies and add fresh ginger
  • Garlic
  • Lemon
  • Eating fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Peppermint
  • Dandelion Root or tea
  • Lavender, great for relaxing, anti-anxiety and sleep
  • Ashwaghanda, adaptogenic and great for the nervous system

All of these are great for not only building the immune system up and regulating the nervous system, but also provide antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, essential for our health and optimal function. There’s also many more supplements and healthy foods, but these are all ones I am currently focusing on for their antibacterial, antiviral, and strong abilities for respiratory health too. There’s many ways you can get any of these, whether it’s through cooking, supplementally, tea blends, smoothies.

I hope that what I’ve shared can help during this time, and that you all stay safe, healthy and that once we get through this that we can all come together and build a stronger, more loving, healthy and truthful world.

One other thing I’d like to share too, is that I am now offering coaching sessions. These will range based on your own needs, but my own areas where I can provide will be based around health, diet, and vegan/plant based cooking, mental health, spirituality, relationships, and personal empowerment. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at . More info is to come so stay tuned! ❤

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