End of Year Thoughts…

Hey everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten to writing a post, these past few months have been pretty busy for me and I’ve been working on so many things in so many different areas of my life, I’ve neglected to write here. If you follow me on Instagram and elsewhere then you’ve at least kept updated with some of my posts there and some of what I’ve had going on!

It’s hard to believe we are here in December already, 2020 is almost over. It’s been an unforgettable year for sure, and I hope that you all are doing well, staying healthy and get to spend time with your loved ones throughout this holiday season.

I know it’s easy to get caught up in all of the stress that this year has unleashed in so many aspects of our lives; the fears, uncertainties, the rising tensions as so many things have bubbled to the collective surface not only here in the US but globally as well. But, I wanted to share and reflect on the many positive things that 2020 has also given us, and some of my own experiences through this year as well.

Part of me actually feels almost guilty when saying this, it’s something which I have withheld and not spoken too much, whether its here, with friends, family, etc, but for me personally, 2020 has actually been one of the most transformative, healing, empowering, and best years of my life. I feel conflicted in sharing this because I know for many it has been such an awful, traumatizing, and terrible year, and I feel so much for everyone who’s life has turned upside down, who has had to struggle needlessly, who’s lost someone, just any and all the negative impacts this year has brought, I feel so much for those who have been effected.

I have been extremely fortunate in my experiences this year, and 2020 has given me so many shifts in perspective, it has re-aligned me in so many ways with the things I truly value and hold dear. It feels as though 2020 has woken me up, to another level of existence, to another way of being, and its given birth to a new me. I am most definitely not the same person I was when this year began, I’m not even the same person I was 6 months ago. The amount of growth I have experienced throughout this year feels almost endless, it has been an extremely catalyzing year for me, and even now, I feel myself shifting, changing and growing even more.

On a more spiritual/metaphysical level, it feels like I’ve gone through even further of an awakening, as though 2020 were multiple lifetimes in one, and I went through some grand process of purging, processing, integrating. I don’t know, I’m not sure quite how to put it, all I can say is that it’s been a crazy ride.

It’s been almost one year since Solstice Holistic was born too. It was the solstice, December 21st 2019, when the idea became a reality, when I finally took the vision and gave it a name and decided to go for it. It’s only been a year but it’s been an amazing journey of learning, growing and discovering a lot on the way to creating this space, sharing my thoughts and experiences, and sharing my methods and gifts to bring healing, love, peace, and balance to the world.

It’s all barely begun too, there is so much in store and so many ideas and things to still bring forth, but within this year, I have been able to share some of myself not only in written form, but through connecting with so many beautiful souls, sharing stories, struggles, ideas, and so much more. I have been able to create and share herbal teas which I make with the intention to heal and relax, and being able to share these things and to connect, it means SO much to me! So, thank you.

It wasn’t an easy road to get to where I am right now, and I think that is why for me to be where I am now, is such a huge, deep, and meaningful thing for me. I’ve really gone through some depths of hell shit to get to where I am, and well, you never forget those things; those struggles, pains, heartbreak, the sense of despair. But I think that it’s exactly those moments of deep hurt that once you find your way out, once you find the way to heal those wounds, to come out the other side and create something from the broken pieces you were left with, there is not only a sense of healing in those moments but a massive sense of peace, strength, and beauty.

This is not to say that all our pain is beautiful, there are some pains which no matter how you paint it, is fucked up. It is traumatizing, life shattering, heart breaking. It’s a piece of you that becomes forever changed. But… the beauty is found in our ability to keep going, to pick the pieces up, to reform them into something better, stronger, and to keep our hearts open. It’s in remaining loving, to ourselves and to others. It’s to having those moments of breakdown and turning them into breakthroughs. And these moments in our lives, they go largely unheard, unseen, and unspoken of.

But it doesn’t matter if you choose to share your story, your pains, wins or losses. At the end of the day, it matters how much you love yourself, how you carry yourself and how you decide to take what life throws you and what you will make of it. Because ultimately, it is always our choice on who we choose to be.

I’ve been many people in my life. I’ve been terribly naive and gullible, I’ve been passive and codependent. I’ve been heartless and cruel. I’ve been loving and kind. I’ve been crazy and unstable. I’ve been strong and resilient. And the list goes on. It’s taken a whole lot of experiences and ways of being to get to where I am, and even though there’s moments in the past that I look back on and I wish I had done things differently, I can’t blame myself nor hate myself, because well, I was a different person then. I didn’t have the same experiences or knowledge that I have now. It takes those moments to sort of build you, create you, to teach you.

I go on to say all this because 2020 has made me very nostalgic in so many ways this year. As I’ve grown and shifted in many ways, letting go of old parts of me, I’ve also stopped to remember older parts, older stories and memories I’ve had to let go of, or that I’ve held on to. Throughout the chaos and uncertainty that this year has brought, through the limitations we’ve faced in being able to see and connect with others, it’s also brought up many memories just how drastically the world has already changed in the short amount of time I’ve been here. I’m not old by any means, but when I start to think in these terms I feel ancient. I truly miss the more simplistic ways of being. I miss the authentic connections, the more personalized ways of being, the time spent with family and friends where it didn’t involve sitting with a smart phone in hand, a screen in your face, or any other type of device other than maybe an old polaroid camera to grab some silly photos.

There’s some things that can’t be replaced, replicated, or advanced, and human connection and nature is among those things. As the world changes before our eyes, as our technology grows and advances, as the leaders of our world and corporate industries tell us to embrace a “new normal”, to embrace these artificial ways of being, to integrate and merge ourselves further and further with the technologies we use, I would like to share my own thoughts on this and say, yes, technology has amazing benefits and has brought us many advancements, but there is a line to be drawn. Just like anything in this world; too much of anything isn’t a good thing. There needs to be balance, and there also needs to be honesty, integrity, accountability, and transparency; something which we are not being given by those in power and the things which they have put and are furthering into place.

Solstice Holistic is meant to represent a place of learning, healing, growth, and leveling ourselves up in the most balanced, holistic and natural ways; to be in tune with our inner selves/ higher consciousness, to heal mind, body, and spirit. It’s all encompassing and its about our freedom. It’s about alignment, to bring the best of ourselves individually so that collectively we can heal and create a world that is truly better, healthier, happier, and free. Which means that to stand for these ideals is to also be against that which would hinder, harm, and oppress these means. I want my space to be a place of learning, growth, and connection, but I also want it to be a space where I am free to speak my whole truth and passions, and I am quite passionately against the agendas which have come to the front throughout this year.

The agendas of mass/mandatory vaccinations, of locking down society and destroying the livelihoods of people on the basis that we are all “sick” or threats to each other’s health. Of the division and hate being sown on many fronts, the lies and deception of media and those in power. The growing influence of power, control as well as censorship, through corporations/big tech/big pharma and the destruction of small business and the working class. The introduction of mass surveillance/biometrics/AI. This is to only state some of the massive things which we have faced, are going to face, and which is growing and becoming normalized right now.

I am very much in tune with my higher self, my intuition, heart and mind and I can tell you that all of this is to be weaponized against us. It is a dark timeline we do not want to consent to, and we shouldn’t. We should fight and resist this with every fibre of our being; I know that I will. It is a war on our very essence; not only on humanity but on our souls. And I know that this may sound extreme, perhaps even confusing if this is all new information to you, but I wouldn’t say this nor share this if it wasn’t so significantly important and if the time wasn’t so short, but it is.

What has always been the most important thing to me is being authentic, honest, and real. For standing up for truth and for others, for ourselves; when others may be too afraid, unsure, or unable to. For standing against evil, abuse, and harm in any form which it takes. I have fought this battle many times in my life, in the many shapes which it has taken, and I will never sit idly and accept these things. Whether that makes others love me, hate me, indifferent to me, has really not a thing to do with me. I will always be me, and I’ve never really known any other way to be. I’m here for those who appreciate me for who I am and what I share, for those who get it, who want to grow, who maybe have questions and are intrigued by what I share; just know I am always here.

I am here to share, grow, learn, connect, teach, love, and raise the consciousness on this planet. I am here for the healing. And together, we will do this.

Many blessings, and I hope that the end of this year and the coming new year bring you all joy, peace, love, health, and into alignment with your highest self. Oh, and one last thing!

Prepare yourselves for the December 21st 2020, the solstice this year. We also have the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter happening this same day, and intuitively, I can tell you that this is a highly significant event. Cleanse your space, your energy, do some meditation, get out into nature, connect with your higher self, do what you can to be as best aligned to the energy which we will receive during this time and through the solstice portal. This will be a very strong event; use it to connect and grow, to become clear and stronger in who you are! We are living through truly transformative times and so much is shifting and will shift even more, we have the power to bring in a truly beautiful, abundant, empowering and liberating world.

The world is changing whether we are ready for it or not, the direction in which it goes is entirely up to us and what we collectively choose, let’s choose truth, freedom, and love! Escape the programming, the fear of the unknown, the illusions and deception which have been veiled over us for so long; step out of this limiting space which would have you believe it has the authority to tell you who you are, why you are here and what you can do and step into the power and truth of who you are!

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